30 days to the ultimate content power play—grab your spot now!
Invitation to Join “The Content Game” 
...a 30 Day Case Study Program
It’s a 7 min read, and a 1-minute decision. 

I’m about to break down exactly what The Content Game is, what you’ll get, and how it works. Then you can decide if you’re ready to take the plunge. If you’re into more traffic, better traffic, and more MOMENTUM, this is going to be right up your alley. 

The Content Game is designed to help you unlock the strategies and systems that are holding you back from building a powerful, profitable brand—while making content creation FUN, fast, and stress-free.

WARNING: While this page gives you the ultimate playbook for creating content that sells, it’s not a “cheat code” for instant results. You’ve got to play the game and follow the steps if you want to win. If you're just here to collect random tips without actually putting them into action—well, no one (not even me!) can help you level up.
Register Now & Save $1,500 (AND also get Fast Breakthrough Bonuses - See below)
Starts October 21st
Lock in your savings now. Spaces are limited.
From the kitchen counter, 
Surrounded by sticky notes and snacks,
Boise Idaho

When I PLAY more… I get PAID more. 

That’s the philosophy I live by now. But I didn’t always believe it. 

And maybe, as you’re reading this, you’re thinking, 
“Yeah, right,” or “I wish,” or even, “What?! Tell me how?”

If that line sparked any curiosity in you, I invite you to keep reading.
Lock in your $1,500 savings. Spaces are limited. Join now!
The Content Game Is Starting In…
Spaces are limited - Join now!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
When I first started my business 8 years ago, I felt like I was living in a bad sequel to Groundhog Day. Every morning, I’d wake up, post on social media, tweak my funnels, and hustle like my life depended on it—only to repeat the same thing the next day. I was convinced if I just kept going, something magical would happen, like in those childhood games where you mash all the buttons on the controller and hope for the best.

Honestly, it was like playing an old video game with no strategy guide. You just keep running into the same obstacle, losing all your lives, and wondering, “How did people actually beat this game?” Except in my case, the obstacle was the never-ending content grind, and I was losing hours of my life to Instagram posts that went nowhere.

It was exhausting. I was like the kid on the playground who does all the tricks on the monkey bars but somehow never gets picked for dodgeball. I mean, I was doing everything—posting every day, following all the marketing rules, obsessing over captions like they were the key to unlocking my business’s future. But none of it worked.

And here’s the thing—I thought it was supposed to be that hard. I thought success came from hustling until you hit some magical “breakthrough.” But let me tell you, there’s only so much “hustle” one person can take before they start questioning if they’re in the wrong game entirely.

Fast forward to now, and I see it differently. What I didn’t understand back then was that content wasn’t about doing more—it was about doing it with intention. It wasn’t about posting 10 times a day or crafting the perfect funnel. It was about showing up with passion, creativity, and—dare I say it—a little fun. Just like those old video games, once you figure out the right combination of moves, everything clicks. And when that happens, the game gets a whole lot easier.
What’s Stopping You From Scaling
(And How The Content Game Breaks the Cycle)
I’ve dedicated years to mastering the art of business, content creation, and scaling with ease. Over the years, I’ve helped entrepreneurs unlock six, seven, and even eight-figure success by doing one thing: shifting how they approach their content.

But here’s the thing no one talks about: it’s not just about having the right strategy. It’s about unlearning the bad habits and limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck in the grind—thinking you need to do more, when really, you need to do things differently.

I remember having my own moments of frustration, realizing that the solution to “building the business of my dreams” wasn’t as complicated as I’d made it out to be.
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The real breakthrough came when I stopped focusing on doing more and started focusing on doing the right things with the right energy.

I realized that the fastest way to scale isn’t by adding more to your plate—it’s by reprogramming the way you think about content, removing the limitations that keep you playing small, and building systems that work for you, not against you.
If you know this is for you and want to SKIP TO SIGN UP 
I had tried it all.

I even hired a guy who swore up and down that if I posted 5 days a week on YouTube, I’d skyrocket to 100k subscribers in no time and would have sales pouring in every day. It sounded like the magic bullet I’d been waiting for. So, I did it. I showed up every single day, cranking out videos like my life depended on it.

And you know what happened 4 months later?

Nothing. No spike. No flood of subscribers. No viral moment. What I did get, however, was completely burnt out, resentful of the whole process, and, honestly, poorer—because I’d invested so much time, energy, and money into following advice that didn’t pan out.

I thought, okay, maybe I just need to double down. So, I kept searching for the "one" strategy that would crack the code. I read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, paid for the expensive courses. I got sucked into funnels, social media “hacks,” and daily content calendars that promised to unlock the secret to success.

I followed every expert who said they had the "blueprint" for growth. I attended workshops, enrolled in masterminds, and even took mindset coaching because I thought maybe it was just my mental blocks getting in the way.
  • And yet, I was still stuck.
  • I still felt like an impostor.
  • I still had no idea why I wasn’t seeing the results I was promised.
I wanted EASE → I wanted FLOW → I wanted FREEDOM.

I wanted it to feel FUN!! Isn’t that why we start a business? To do what we LOVE?
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I thought maybe once I worked hard enough and “made it”, THEN it would finally feel FUN. I bought into the lie that I had to grind my way there—like I needed to earn the right to enjoy my business.

And you know what I realized after all of this?

It wasn’t about doing more or grinding harder. The strategies weren’t broken; my approach was. I had been treating content like a chore, not an opportunity to show up with energy and intention. It was never about posting 10 times a day or spending hours tweaking my funnels—it was about creating with passion, showing up with belief, and trusting that the right system could work with me, not against me.

The more I obsessed over numbers and metrics, the less progress I made. The more I started to have fun with my content, the easier everything became. Content creation stopped feeling like this uphill battle I had to fight every day and started feeling like flow—like play.

And that’s what changed everything.

What once felt heavy and exhausting became light, and the results followed.
The clients, the sales, the audience—they all came because I wasn’t just following someone else’s formula. I was creating content that resonated, because I actually enjoyed creating it. I had unlocked the formula, but it wasn’t what I expected.

It wasn’t about forcing myself to "stay consistent" just for the sake of it. It was about creating consistency through a system that worked for me. And that’s what The Content Game is all about—installing a strategy that doesn’t just get you paid today, but helps you build a brand that pays you forever.

I’m not here to teach you another trick or hack. I’m here to help you break the cycle. Because once you figure out the game, content creation stops being a grind and starts being the most powerful tool in your business.
What To Expect:
The Content Game Starts on October 21st
  • Epic results in 30 days (or less!)
  • Your content game will change.
  • ​Say goodbye to the noise and hello to pure content flow
  • ​You’ll move through this game with ease and excitement
  • ​Creative genius mode ACTIVATED: Ideas will be popping!
  • High standards of yourself and me.
  • If you don’t want to do simple tasks to get life changing results daily for 30 days, please don’t buy this program. We are not here to play small.
  • Content Game for entrepreneurs: “75 Hard” but with 100% more fun!
  • Daily challenges that transform your business and keep you in the game.
  • ​Public “game board” to track your progress and rack up wins
  • ​Every player finishes the game. You will cross the finish line with a win!
  • ​You’ll win, we’ll all win!
  • This isn’t just a solo game—you’ll be part of a community of high-vibe, high-achieving entrepreneurs crushing it alongside you. 
  • Personalized feedback and coaching direct from me.
  • Like the exclusive 1:1 clients in my A-Lister program get (who invest high five figures for access)
Lock in your $1,500 savings. Spaces are limited. Join now!
Who this is NOT for:
  • If you’re looking for a shortcut without putting in the work, this isn’t for you.
  • If you’re still chasing vanity metrics like likes and follows instead of focusing on what really matters—clients and revenue—this isn’t for you.
  • If you’re not committed to serving your clients with generosity and integrity, this isn’t for you. This program will help you attract clients, but if you're not ready to show up and deliver value to them, this isn’t the right fit.
The Exact Offer
Onboarding (Self-driven prep prior to 30 days group coaching begins)

Before we officially kick off The Content Game, you’ve got some groundwork to lay—and trust me, this is where the magic begins! Think of this as your pre-game warm-up, where you’ll be crafting the foundation for the most playful and impactful content strategy of your life. Until now, only my high-ticket 1:1 clients have had access to this level of training, but now it’s your turn to grab the cheat codes. The work you do this week is your secret weapon to dominating the next 30 days and beyond. 

Ready? Let’s play.
30 Days of The Content Game |“75 Hard” but with 100% more fun!
  • The Daily GAMEPLAN: Each day brings you a new challenge—a ‘game’ to play that keeps you on track and in flow.
  • 1 Group Power-Up Session each week: Think of this as your boost button—our weekly group coaching call where we level up together.
  • Daily Progress Tracker (aka your Game Board): Watch yourself rack up the wins and level up every day with our easy-to-use game board.
  • PRIZES to be won!: Who doesn’t love winning? Hit milestones, complete challenges, and you could snag some amazing prizes along the way.
  • Lifetime Access to The Content Game Training Videos: You’ll have full access to every bit of training, so the fun and learning don’t stop after 30 days. Keep refining your strategy, scaling your business, and playing to win.
Time commitment: 1-2 hours of live session time each week (or catch the replay if you’re off adventuring!), plus 15-30 minutes of daily “game time” tasks
Lock in your $1,500 savings. Spaces are limited. Join now!
Prizes, You Say?!
Let’s not forget the best part…

It’s a game, and like any great game, there are prizes!

The top performers who engage and create the best content will have a shot at winning these awesome prizes:
  • FIRST PLACE PRIZE: $1,000 Cash + A Complimentary Month of 1-on-1 Coaching for Your Content
  • SECOND PLACE PRIZE: $500 Cash + A Customized Content Strategy Session to supercharge your results
  • THIRD PLACE PRIZE: A Premium Content Creation Toolkit—packed with tools, resources, and guides to level up your content production, valued at $150.
EVERYONE who finishes all 30 days will receive a MYSTERY Surprise (Hint: We’ll need to send your physical mailbox) 🙂
Your Fast Action Bonuses
For the first 20 people who take fast action and secure their spot in The Content Game within the first 24 hours, you’ll unlock some serious bonuses!
  • Ticket to Our Next Fly-In Event (November 2nd!): Yep, you’ll snag a ticket to join me and an exclusive group of high-achieving entrepreneurs at our upcoming fly-in! This is your chance to network, collaborate, and take your business to the next level—in person.
  • Bonus Content Playbook: Get access to an extra vault of content strategies, templates, and frameworks that’ll save you hours of work.
If you move fast, you win fast. These bonuses are my way of saying, "Welcome to the game—let’s crush it together!"
How To Get This Offer FREE
Invite 3, get yours free! Simply refer three paying customers to this program through our affiliate program and I will send you your investment price back. Here’s the link to become an affiliate and get your own custom links to invite people to play The Content Game with you!
The Investment
$2,000 USD - Without a testimonial at the end when you get results (which you will). 


$500 USD - With a testimonial at the end when you get results (which you will).
The Waitlist
Due to the overwhelming success this program has created for clients already, we are expecting this program to fill FAST. 

It’s also ridiculously priced to fill fast. Claim your place NOW.
Lock in your $1,500 savings. Spaces are limited. Join now!
Here’s what happens next:
Imagine waking up every day with a content plan that’s working for you, bringing in new leads and sales while you focus on what matters most in your business. No more scrambling to create last-minute posts, no more guessing at what will resonate with your audience.

This isn’t about more work. It’s about working smarter and creating a system that builds momentum—long after these 30 days are over.

If you’re ready to build a content strategy that works, click the button below to secure your spot. You’ll receive immediate access to Week 1 and start implementing the strategies that will turn your content into a revenue-generating machine.

It might not be for everyone, but if you’ve read this far, you already know this is for you. You already know that today is the day you stop treating content like a chore and start creating the business (and life) you’ve always wanted.
Register Now & Save $1,500 (AND also get Fast Breakthrough Bonuses - See below)
Starts October 21st
Lock in your savings now. Spaces are limited.
Lock in your $1,500 savings. Spaces are limited. Join now!